Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024


Author : Judy Byington

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Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update May 29, 2024



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27 days ago

More bullshit and excuses to make up for the old excuses that NEVER HAPPENS!

27 days ago

More bullshit and excuses to make up for the old bullshit that never happens.

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
27 days ago

Many people are probably afraid to go to Ken’s court proceeding – they saw what happened to the people at the LEGAL January 6th protest.

So Thailand, the country that used to keep Siamese cats, once the guards at temples, in cages outside of restaurants so they could be killed and EATEN, is joining the Muslim BRICS members who mutilate women and girls, practice herd breeding and only quit leaving baby girls in the desert to die of heat during my lifetime. Are we impressed yet? This is just another one of those “money is everything; decency is nothing” groups. Are any of THEM going to see tribunals for crimes against humanity, or is money going to protect them?

What is “GreenStop2End Let’s go” supposed to mean? Does anyone know, or are we just supposed to be impressed that Trump texted even if it is undecipherable?

Good news on the failure of the Pandemic Treaty. Next attack … ?

Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
27 days ago

The NOT-OUR government has been dumping not only tens of millions of illegal alien ENEMY INVADERS on us, but clones, hybrids, cyborgs, holograms and soulless beings. If they are allowing reptilian ETs (or something just as bad) to take humans from wilderness areas and national parks to kill and eat them, that would explain the previously inexplicable Missing 411 cases. Shooting and hanging are far too good for them. Burn them at the stake, or lock them into rockets and shoot them into space, with little or no food or water.

Where is the outrage? It is with a small group of people. Many others are working several jobs and barely keeping a roof over their heads and food the table. Where is the time to spend hours researching on the Internet? There won’t be time for some people until NESARA rolls out and the Alliance comes out into the open. There are also those who don’t want to know because they suspect it will shock them silly with how monstrous their “team” is.

“We” probably didn’t spend $320 million on a pier in Gaza. We WERE ROBBED OF $320 million; that’s true. But a big chunk of it undoubtedly came back to the US as cuts for politicians. While on the subject of Gaza, why don’t the Muslim Palestinians simply move to Muslim areas where no one objects to babies having bombs strapped on them (Hamas), rather than continuing to create trouble in an area that was occupied by Jews thousands of years PPM (Pre Pedophile Mohammed)? They would be much happier there. Answer: None of the Muslim countries will have them. They are viewed as troublemakers and terrorists by their fellow Muslims, even though they themselves think nothing of mutilating women and girls, raping children, and executing political dissidents – sometimes 200 at a time. Do they know something we don’t know?

Last edited 27 days ago by Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen
Texas Arwen (@texas-arwen)
27 days ago

Surely I’m not alone in noticing that most of the countries participating in the Covid Depopulation were majority white countries. This wasn’t just a Depopulation; it was a rearranging of the global population so as to eliminate groups of people who seem to have done most of the innovating and inventing. Is this because those targeted groups often snap to what’s going on sooner than some others? It appears that the Depopulation Vampires-Cannibals think so.

What is still “shocking,” after what we’ve found out that the satanic pedophiles have been up to, and in a world where we might soon have to face evidence that the Vampires-Cannibals have been making humans available for food for ETs?

Last edited 27 days ago by Texas Arwen

FEC Gives Trump Another 45 Days for Personal Financial Disclosures

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FEC Gives Trump Another 45 Days for Personal Financial Disclosures

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Financial section : Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 25, 2024

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